A Climate Reality Leadership Training? An event full of tree-hugging hippies? Actually, quite the opposite.
Climate Reality Leadership Training is a three-day training led by the organization’s founder and former US Vice President Al Gore, in addition to many other expert speakers. The training is free, and its participants are from all walks of life – doctors, teachers, business people, young and old. The thing that connects all the participants is a mutual drive to creating a better, more sustainable future for our planet. The training provides insights on climate change, one of the most alarming challenges the human kind is facing today. It also educates the participants how to effectively communicate the science and solutions of the climate crisis.
The training was full of very intensive learning throughout the three-day event. First, we got a profound understanding of the climate crisis by hearing from a range of top climate scientists in the world. The second day focused on teaching us valuable communication and presentation skills.
The training’s frantic pace didn’t stop the third day. The day drilled into the importance of thinking locally and emphasized the value of local actions. Going big on a small level can make a big difference.
Well how does this all connect to the ICT industry? As mentioned in the training, technology plays a critical role in fighting and adapting to climate change. According to a 2015 report by Global e-Sustainability Initiative (GeSI), ICT has the potential to enable a 20% reduction of global CO2e emissions by 2030. As the ICT sector provides digital solutions to a variety of organizations, it makes a significant contribution in helping other industries reduce their own carbon footprint.
Innofactor is a leading driver of modern digital organization in the Nordic countries and we have the responsibility to commit to sustainability in our operational environment. This means that Innofactor considers environmental, economical and social responsibility in all its operations. We are still in the beginning of our sustainability journey but believe that through multiple small acts we can build a solid foundation for our sustainability work. Read more about our sustainability journey here.
Three days, nearly 2,000 people and intensive learnings – definitely left me feeling inspired and hopeful for the future.
As to the key takeout from the training, the most important lesson in my opinion was this: Climate change respects no boundaries and it affects everyone, already today. No matter where you live or what you do, everyone can participate in fighting the climate crisis. Together we can and will solve this.
Learn more about the Climate Reality Leadership Training.